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Coffee Beans vs. Espresso Beans: Understanding the Key Differences

When it comes to our favorite caffeinated beverages, coffee and espresso are often at the top of the list. You are either fond of an expresso shot or a cup of regular coffee.

The truth is not many of us know the difference between these two drinks. Besides the flavors and maybe the packaging not many people would tell why they are different.

But that’s about to change. This guide delves into the disparities between these two cherished beverages. We will explore everything from what they are made of to how they are made. This way, the next time you make or order your favorite espresso shot or that cup of coffee, you’ll have a clear picture of what makes you prefer it.

Let’s get down to it. Here is a complete comparison of coffee beans vs espresso beans. 

What Are Coffee Beans?

Coffee beans vs espresso beans

Coffee beans are the seeds of the coffee plant. They are harvested, processed, and then roasted to produce the aromatic and flavorful coffee we enjoy. These beans come in different varieties, including Arabica and Robusta, each offering unique taste profiles and characteristics.

What is an Espresso Bean?

Espresso beans are also coffee beans. However, they are specifically selected and roasted for use in making espresso. While they are technically the same as coffee beans, the term "espresso beans" is used to highlight their suitability for espresso preparation.

In other words, there is no difference between regular coffee beans and expresso beans. The difference comes in during their processing.

Here is what I mean,

Difference between Espresso Beans and Coffee Beans

As stated earlier, there is no difference between espresso beans and coffee beans. But why are the two beverages different? The secret is in how the beans are roasted.

1. Roasting Process

Coffee beans undergo roasting, a process that transforms them from green to brown, developing the flavors and aromas we associate with coffee. The roasting process is crucial in determining the taste and intensity of the final brew.

The key differences between espresso beans and regular coffee beans lie in the roasting profiles. For instance, what we call coffee beans are light roasted while espresso beans are dark roasted. Usually, the roasting process can be grouped into three major categories as follows:

  • Light roast: This is how regular coffee beans are roasted. Light roasted coffee beans have lower body but higher acidity. This makes them ideal for extracting regular coffee rather than espresso.
  • Moderate roast: This type of roasting balances the body and acidity. In other words, it offers a medium body and a balanced acidity. They also tend to be a bit sweeter compared to light roast coffee beans, and are commonly used to make espresso shots.
  • Dark roast: Dark roasted coffee beans are the best for making espresso. They have lower acidity levels and are higher in body. 

2. Types of Beans Used

Coffee beans come in different variety. And this is another aspect that differentiates various flavors or coffee and espresso drinks.

The main types of coffee beans include the Arabica, Robusta, and Liberica. Mostly, regular coffee is made from any of these types of beans. However, espresso is, in most cases, derived from a mix of Arabica and Robusta bean types.

This plus the difference in roasting the beans brings out the wide difference in taste you notice between regular coffee and espresso shots.

3. Grinding Process

Once the coffee beans are roasted, they are ground awaiting brewing. Usually, espresso beans are more finely ground than regular coffee beans.

As a result, the espresso beans will make it easier to extract a more concentrated beverage than the large-ground coffee beans.

4. Brewing Methods

Coffee brewing

Regular coffee is typically brewed using methods such as drip brewing, pour-over, or French press. Here, hot water flows through the ground coffee beans for a certain period.

The process of brewing coffee beans is usually slower and doesn’t involve high pressure. And since the coffee beans are not so finely ground, the product is a balance cup of coffee that is not so much concentrated.

On the other hand, espresso is made by forcing hot water under high pressure through finely ground coffee. This quick extraction method produces a concentrated shot of espresso with a distinct flavor profile.

Can You Use Regular Coffee Beans for Espresso?

One of the main challenges in using regular coffee beans for espresso is the grind size. Espresso requires a fine and consistent grind to facilitate proper extraction. Regular coffee beans, which are usually ground coarser for other brewing methods, may not yield the desired results when used for espresso.

Additionally, using regular coffee beans instead of espresso beans can significantly impact the flavor and characteristics of your espresso shot. Espresso beans are specifically chosen and roasted to provide a rich, balanced, and full-bodied taste. They also contribute to the formation of crema, the layer of foam on top of an espresso shot, which adds texture and enhances the overall experience.

As such, it’s safe to say that using coffee beans to make espresso is not recommended. It wouldn’t produce the desired results.

Caffeine Level in Espresso vs. Coffee

If you are wondering which of the two beverages has more caffeine content, espresso takes the day. If you compare a shot of espresso, which is usually an ounce, with an ounce of coffee, the espresso contains more caffeine. For instance, an espresso shot contains 63 mg per ounce, while a cup of coffee has around 92 mg in 8 ounces.  

Other factors that influence the caffeine level in these drinks include the type of coffee beans used, the brewing process and temperature, as well as the grind size.

EatYourCoffee Energy Bars

Do you want a more convenient way to get your daily caffeine boost? EatYourCoffee bars offer an excellent alternative.

These are caffeinated snacks that are convenient to carry around and contain all the energy you need. In fact, one bar of caffeinated EatYourCoffee bars contain the same amount of caffeine as a whole cup of coffee.

Therefore, instead of spilling that coffee or espresso on your car or office documents, why not go the safer way? Have some bars in your car or office drawer and enjoy caffeine boosts any time of the day.

To get a taste of our energy bars, you can start with a FREE sample pack. Simply use TRY as the discount code and enjoy our unique flavors. The only cost you'll incur is the $3 shipping fee. 


Can I use espresso beans to make regular coffee?

Absolutely! Espresso beans can be used to make regular coffee. However, you need to ensure that the beans are not finely ground like the expresso ones. You need that course texture to produce regular coffee.

Are espresso beans more expensive than regular coffee beans?

It depends on the brand and quality. While some specialty espresso beans may be pricier, there are also affordable options available. The difference in pricing is because the espresso beans require more roasting time than coffee beans. Otherwise, the same coffee beans are used for the two beverages.

Can I grind regular coffee beans to a finer consistency for espresso?

Yes. However, they might still not produce the quality of espresso that you need. This is because regular coffee beans are light roasted and are higher in acidity.


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