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Why Does Coffee Make You Poop? The Science Behind Coffee's Bathroom Effect - Eat Your Coffee

Why Does Coffee Make You Poop? The Science Behind Coffee's Bathroom Effect

A cup of coffee, especially in the morning or late evening, is a darling for many people. It helps boost their energy and keep them alert. However,...
Snacks With Coffee - Eat Your Coffee

Snacks With Coffee

There’s nothing better than waking up to the smell of hot coffee. If you’re an occasional coffee drinker or on the virtual road to addiction, coff...
How to Get Rid of Coffee Jitters - Eat Your Coffee

How to Get Rid of Coffee Jitters

The inviting aroma, the rich taste, the burst of energy – there's a lot to love about coffee. But few face signs of 'coffee jitters', a common side-effect of caffeine overconsumption. Don't worry. Here are some tried-and-tested strategies on how to get rid of coffee jitters.


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